Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mula-mula Batu Putih, Sekarang Tanjong Pagar, Lepas ini Iskandar

To kowtow is our new diplomatic style when dealing with Singapore .Where's Ibrahim Ali's PERKASA?

PM Perlu Perjelas Isu KTMB Tanjong Pagar Di Parlimen
Angkatan Muda Keadilan Selangor mendesak Perdana Menteri,Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak memberi penjelasan di Parlimen isu tanah Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad di Tanjong Pagar yang akan berpindah ke Woodlands. Kita menuntut Perdana Menteri menjelaskan butiran perjanjian bersama PM Singapura,Lee Hsien Loong agar rakyat dimaklumkan isu berkenaan dengan ini dengan jelas dan munasabah.
AMK Selangor melihat seolah-olah Perdana Menteri mudah ‘tunduk melutut’ kepada permintaan negara-negara luar dalam isu hak dan kedaulatan negara yang bakal merugikan masa hadapan negara. Dalam isu KTMB ini,kita melihat seolah-olah Perdana Menteri tunduk dengan tekanan Singapura apabila dengan mudahnya sanggup bersetuju dengan perpindahan KTMB dari Tanjung Pagar ke Woodlands dengan beralasan tanah seluas 12 hektar (29.65 ekar) akan diserahkan kepada sebuah syarikat usahasama yang ekuitinya 60% Malaysia dan 40% Singapura.
Luas asal tanah rezab KTM termasuk laluan keretapi dan stesen di Tanjung Pagar adalah 200 hektar atau 494 ekar (mengikut Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance 1918) dengan tempoh pajakan selama 999 tahun. Menjelang hujung tahun ini satu syarikat yang diberi nama M-S Pte Ltd yang akan ditubuhkan yang kononnya 60% milik Malaysia dan 40% milik Singapura.Apakah berbaloi Malaysia akur dengan persetujuan ini dalam masa pendek dan panjang ?.
AMK Selangor mempersoalkan penubuhan syarikat ini berkenaan pegangan ekuiti tersebut di mana pada masa akan datang yang mudah dibeli oleh pihak Singapura kelak melalui Temasek Holdings Limited.Malahan sebelum ini Malaysia yang sudah pun kehilangan hak kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih dan isu pangkalan TLDM Woodlands. Kali ini sekali lagi negara bakal kerugian besar terhadap potensi masa hadapan yang tidak dapat dikenalpasti dan dinilai pada masa sekarang.
AMK Selangor juga melihat keputusan perpindahan KTMB ke Woodlands Train Checkpoint pada 1 Julai 2011 dan kemudian ke Johor menjelang 2018 adalah agenda terancang Singapura secara berperingkat ‘menghalau’ hak dan kedaulatan Malaysia sedikit demi sedikit yang kelak merugikan negara. Perkara ini ada disebut dalam kenyataan media bersama antara kedua-kedua Perdana Menteri pada 24hb Mei 2010 lepas.
“ For the convenience of commuters, the rapid transit system link will have a single co-located CIQ facility in Singapore with the exact location to be determined later. It is targeted that the proposed rapid transit system link will be operational by 2018. Thereafter Malaysia may consider to relocate the KTMB Station from Woodlands to Johor.”
AMK Selangor juga menggesa Perdana Menteri memberi penjelasan di Parlimen pertemuan beliau bersama Perdana Menteri Singapura perkara-perkara yang dibincangkan yang perlu diketahui oleh rakyat. Kita tidak mahu,media-media hanya mengumumkan perkara-perkara yang positif tetapi pada realitinya menenggelamkan isu-isu yang amat penting berkenaan hak dan kedaulatan negara.
AMK Selangor menggesa agar kerajaan bertegas dan tidak mudah tunduk kepada negara luar khususnya yang melibatkan hak dan kedaulatan negara. Rakyat tidak sanggup melihat negara kerugian besar di masa hadapan akibat kegagalan Perdana Menteri masakini melihat dan berpandangan futuristik membuat keputusan tepat dan terbaik untuk negara.
Kita menggesa agar rakyat bangkit mempersoalkan kewajaran keakuran kerajaan Malaysia berkenaan isu-isu dengan Singapura mutakhir ini. Kita mahu hak dan kedaulatan negara tidak mudah tergadai dan digadai kepada negara luar dengan mudahnya. Negara ini adalah hak, amanah dan tanggungjawab kita semua bersama-sama.
Mohd Ezli Mashut
Ketua Penerangan AMK Selangor

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tiba-tiba terasa bagai hendak belajar bahasa Arab semula.
Adakah ini krisis pertengahan umur?
Saya terjumpa satu buku terjemahan 'Al-Hidayah fi'l-Nahw' dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Buku ini menghuraikan prinsip-prinsip nahu Arab dalam susunan yang mudah.
Mudah-mudahan sesiapa yang hendak mendalami bahasa Arab dapat dibantu dengan terjemahan ini.
Terima kasih blog Attahawi!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sport Betting

13 Mei ialah hari bersejarah 1Malaysia.

Kita akan bergerak ke hadapan untuk mencontohi negara-negara maju.

Secara rasmi kita akan mengizinkan 'sports betting' untuk musim Piala Dunia 2010.

Langkah ini khabarnya akan mengurangkan kes-kes perjudian haram tanpa lesen di negara yang berleluasa terutama ketika demam bola sepak melanda.

Tahniah kepada semua kaki judi yang sudah memperjuangkan hak mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

Mereka berhak sekali berjudi secara terang-terangan tanpa perlu berselindung di kedai-kedai tertentu.

Syabas juga kepada JAKIM yang telah mengeluarkan logo halal untuk 'sports betting' di Malaysia.(hahaha)

Mungkin selepas ini untuk mengawal pengedaran dadah dan pelacuran, industri ini akan turut dihalalkan dan diberikan lesen.

1Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Berjudi Dibiarkan

Edited Transcript of Interview
Interviewer: …Are they an accurate, pure, and untainted representation of Sufis and tassawuf?
Shaykh Bouti: As far as previous generations are concerned, it’s not possible for me to pass judgment on them because I did not live in those times. However, I have read biographies of people such as Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, Shaykh Raslan al-Dimashqi, and Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa`i. I swear by Allah, these people embodied prophethood, except that they did not receive divine revelation.
Interviewer: They embodied prophethood?
Sh. Bouti: Prophethood, minus divine revelation. In other words, if they had revelation, they would have been prophets. What I mean by that is that they represented, in their character, in their self-discipline, in their inner development, the life of God’s Messenger (peace be upon him). However, since divine revelation was not present in their case, [obviously] they were not prophets or messengers.
And for such people – the foundation of their journey to Allah was the two wings of the Divine Book and the Sunnah [Prophetic tradition], and nothing more. Abdul Qadir al-Jilani – may Allah sanctify his soul – when death drew close to him, his son, whose name was also Musa like your name, was sitting next to him. He gave him his parting advice. Among what he said to him was, “My son, fly to the Truth with the two wings of the Book and the Sunnah.” And he warned him from bid`ah [innovation].
So I don’t want to speak about such people [who came before us]. If I want to look for strict adherence to the proper methodology, it is in their lives that I will find such an adherence. If I want to look for opposition to bid`ah, it is in their lives that I will find opposition to bid’ah.
However, if you’re asking me about the tariqas of this age, I request that you show me a single tariqa from among them whose murshid [spiritual leader and advisor] possesses knowledge of Islamic law that is proficient and sufficient, who is aloof from this world and everything that it contains and is attached to it, and who possesses uprightness in his character. [If such a person were found] I will go tomorrow to become his murid [student]. But I have looked everywhere, and have not found such a murshid.
Interviewer: What is the reason for this, respected shaykh?
Sh. Bouti: Well, I don’t know. The nafs [lower self] is as it always has been – and I don’t absolve my own nafs from this – “Verily the nafs is ever commanding of evil.” The whole business of being a murshid is a dangerous business. It’s a slippery road. The murshid, when he tastes the pleasure of leading others, the pleasure of having a following… it’s something that is almost intoxicating. When he sees people kissing his hand day and night, and some almost willing to kiss his knees and his feet [out of awe and respect]…. when he sees things like this, he begins to believe and imagine that he has become someone great. And the nafs is a constant presence. If such a person has not spent long periods of time in self-reproach, reminding himself that he is nothing, and that he has done so many bad deeds etc, he will not be able to withstand these pressures.
Furthermore, when [this murshid] finds his murids bringing gifts for him, giving him money… Even if I didn’t have an appetite for wealth when it was first given to me, I begin to develop one. I begin to desire wealth. I begin to desire position. I begin to desire humility and deference from people because I am such an important and great human being. All of this is fitnah [trial and tribulation] for me… a fitnah… a fitnah.
And the person who does not fulfill the essential requirements for being a murshid, yet somehow becomes a murshid – this responsibility is dangerous for him, and dangerous for his murids.
Just to make what I’m saying clearer for you, my brother, let me present to you the opposite picture. Let us turn to the age of Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa`i, may Allah sanctify his soul. Now that is an amazing man. He always used to say in his gatherings, in front of his murids, something that he would repeat again and again – that he was not a shaykh, and not a murshid, and warned against people looking at him in that light. He said in one of his gatherings – and this can be found in his book al-Burhan al-Muayyid – “May I be resurrected with Fir’aun and Hamman if I consider myself better than any one from among you.”
“I am not a shaykh. I am not a shaykh. My name is Little Ahmad, The Nothing. Or better yet, Nothing, The Nothing [a play on his name which literally means ‘the praised one, the high’]” – this is what (Sh. Ahmad ar-Rifa’i) used to say.
And he used to say, “The murshids whom Allah favors with karamaat [special abilities or occurrences] conceal them, just as a woman [naturally] conceals her menstruation from others.”
Compare between this and what we see from murshids of our times. Some of them extend their hands for people to kiss, to teach them [the practice of] kissing hands, and if one of them doesn’t kiss their hands they consider him negligent in his duties.
Interviewer: But is there something wrong with kissing the hand out of respect? There are many people who would even wish to kiss your hand, but you absolutely refuse?
Sh. Bouti: Yes… yes. Why do I refuse my dear brother?
Sh. Bouti [close to tears]: I swear by Allah, the One besides whom there is no other god, I feel embarrassed before Allah when someone from among the people kisses my hand. Because I know myself, and my Lord is One who conceals and veils the mistakes of His servants. He conceals so much… He conceals. I know my shortcomings. I know how much I’ve fallen short in my relationship with my Lord. Yet, He makes it so that the people only see the positive side of me, and He hides the rest from the eyes of people and keeps it something hidden between us.
So if some innocent person comes to me, who only sees my outer state and doesn’t know my inner state… it’s true that he doesn’t know, but doesn’t Allah know? How can I say to him, “Go ahead, kiss my hand, it’s ok, so that you may learn proper etiquette,” while Allah azza wajal [Mighty and Majestic] is watching me and saying, ‘Haven’t you done this? Haven’t you done that? Aren’t you the one who sees such and such [bad qualities] in your self?” This is what prevents me from allowing people to kiss my hand.

Turkey's New Visionary

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Mahkamah Jalan Duta

Hakim Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah mengaku dan berkata inilah pertama kali dalam negara ini, mangsa dituduh dengan kerelaan dan tapi kes disiasat atas 'tanpa kerelaan'

Pendakwaraya II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden berkata ada sedikit kelemahan (kekeliruan) pada pendakwaan.

KARPAL: "ini bukan kekeliruan, ini menunjukkan Saiful berbohong."

Hahaha....I rest my case!