Thursday, May 19, 2005

Madu Yaman

Aku baru sahaja menerima panggilan dari Ustaz Fauzi dari Mesir.Katanya, dia hendak ke Yaman esok, mungkin untuk bertemu dengan beberapa gurunya.Ustaz Fauzi bertanyakan tentang perkembangan program musim panas yang telah saya aturkan.Setakat ini, syukur kepada Allah kerana Imam Besar Dublin Mosque, Sheikh Yahya telah pun memberikan keizinan untuk menggunakan salah satu ruang di Dublin Mosque utk program ini.Sidi Abdul Aziz pula telah mengizinkan agar terjemahan 'Risalah Jamiah' yang ditulisnya digunapakai semasa program.(Terima kasih, Anak Alam !!). Saya pun baru mula menyebarkan 'advert' Deen Intensive Dublin.Ada beberapa respon menarik termasuk dari komuniti post grad UK yg mahu program sama diadakan utk mereka di sana.Penyertaan masih kurang sebenarnya, mungkin kerana masih ramai dalam minggu peperiksaan dan ramai pula yang pulang bercuti pada waktu summer.Apa pun, kuantiti pada saya tak penting.Asalkan ada beberapa kerat manusia yang dahagakan ilmu agama dan berminat untuk belajar, itu sudah menjadi kepuasan untuk menganjurkan program sebegini.
Sebelum berangkat, Ustaz Fauzi sempat bertanya, " Nak pesan madu Yaman?Yaman terkenal dengan madunya....". Madu Yaman diakui antara madu yang terbaik di dunia selain madu Nepal dan madu Tualang di Malaysia.Aku ketawa dalam perbualan kami.Baik sungguh hatinya, hendak mengangkut madu tersebut dari Yaman untuk aku!Tak sabar menanti kedatangannya.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Deen Intensive Dublin(DID)

This summer, Persatuan Pelajar Islam Malaysia Ireland (PPIMI) is proud to host a month of intensive study of Islam, covering the 3 most important branches of revealed knowledge; Creed ('Aqidah), Jurispundence (Fiqh) and Sufisme (Tasawwuf). The course will be lead by Al-Fadhil Sheikh Mohammed Fauzi Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Hadrami, a Masters student in University of Al-Azhar, Egypt.
Sheikh Mohammed Fauzi is a teacher with classical Islamic education background.He was qualified from Dar Mustafa, a renowned traditional Islamic 'madrasah' in Hadramawt Valley in Yemen.After completing 5 years education in Dar Mustafa under various 'syuyukh', among them Habib Umar Hafeez, Habib Ali al-Jifri and the Grand Mufti of Yemen, he pursued his degree and now Masters Programme in Comparative Jurispundence.The details of the programme are:

Date: 17 June -16 July 2005 (4 weeks)
Venue: Dublin Mosque, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
Fees: 40 Euros (negotiable), 10 Euros per week
Texts covered:

  1. AQIDAH AL AWWAM by Shaykh Ahmad Marzuqi (A basic corpus for beginners in 'aqidah or creed, covering the vital aspects of the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wa Jamaah with particular referance to Asha'ari and Maturdi school)
  2. RISALAH JAMIAH by Shaykh al-Habib Ahmad bin Zayn al-Habshi. (It covers the basics of worship according to the Shaafi'i madhhab and is, according to the author a concise abridgement of the works of Imam al-Ghazali.The text concludes with a section on tasawwuf, and instills in the student a knowledge of the various spiritual diseases)
  3. NASSAIH DINIYYAH WAL WASAYYA IMANIYYA by Imam Habib Abdallah Alawi al-Haddad (Available in Malay Language titled 'Nasihat Agama dan Wasiat Iman'.Also a great book in Tasawwuf, a corpus that not only cover Tasawwuf subjects but also a mixture of 'Aqidah and Fiqh.One of the most famous book in Syafi'is madrasahs worlwide)
  4. BIDAYATUL HIDAYAH by Hujjatul Islam Imam Ghazali (The book is for beginners in Tasawwuf, a ladder for new-comer in Tasawwuf.Great corpus of celebrated Hujjatul Islam, al-Ghazali apart from Ihya' Ulumuddin)
  5. MATAN ARBAIN NAWAWIYYA or 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi.(A must-learn and most important compilation of hadith, featuring the carefully selected hadith that are considered pillars of Islam)

All of the texts will be teached with 'isnaad' that can be traced back to the writers.There will be 5 lessons per day (for each text).Lessons are in Malay language.Individuals from all over Ireland and UK are invited to join the programme even if it is not for full 4 weeks of study.Non-Dubliners who wish to come will be placed in Dublin's student houses (only by early notice to the contact person).Any enquiries, please contact;

Shafiq Ayman bin Rosland,

Secretary General,

Persatuan Pelajar Islam Malaysia Ireland (PPIMI)


Phone: +353857320293