Sunday, February 11, 2007

Kampung Ibnu Taimiyyah

Houses in Harran
Cute Bedouins children in Harran.So shy with my camera!!

Harran's Jami' Mosque and university built during Umayyad period.Used to be the oldest university built by the last Umayyad caliph Marwan II but no longer standing.Ravaged by Mongolian at the end of Abbasid period.

House of Bedouins of Harran.Made from the city's rubbles

Taqi al-Din abu al-`Abbas Abmad ibn 'Abd al-Haliim, commonly known as ibn Taimiyyah, was born in Harran, a city near Urfa, on Monday, the 10th of RabI' I 661/22nd January 1263.Urfa is the birthplace of Prophet Ibrahim a.s and now situated in the present day Turkey.Harran is a place famous for its Hanbalite school.Family of Ibn Taimiyyah were scholars of Harran

In Harran, lived the Sabeans and the philosophers who worship the heavenly bodies and images after their names.It is told that Prophet Moses was sent to these people for their guidance.Hoca Jumaat, father of Dr Abdullah Nurdag, my friend in Urfa told me that Prophet Ibrahim used to live and farm in Harran.

During the year of 667/1297 when Ibn Taimiyyah reached the age of seven, the Mongols ravaged the city. Ibn Taimiyyah's father 'Abd Halim came to Damascus with all of his family members and settled there. It was in Damascus that Ibn Taimiyyah received and excellent traditional learning from various Damascene scholars. He thus, became a rising star in intellectual arena and gain reputation amongst Muslim scholars at that time and after his demise.


Anonymous said...

salam. I didn't make it to konya. nor to bursa or edimir. tapi pengalaman di turki mmg sangat banyak dan best walaupun hanya berlegar sekitar istanbul. jazakallah for all the information you gave us. precious memories, indeed :)

Ayman Rosland said...



Memang puak Salafi-Wahabi selalu menyandarkan diri mereka kepada Ibnu Taimiyyah dan mengaitkan gerakan tajdid Ibnu Taimiyyah dengan gerakan mereka.Malangnya mereka sebenarnya pendusta dan mereka sendiri tidak memahami apa yg dibawa oleh Ibnu Taimiyyah.Bukti jelas ialah Ibnu Taimiyyah sendiri tidak pernah menyerang tasawwuf atau ahli-ahli Sufi kecuali yg dikatakan sudah menyimpang daripada Quran dan Sunnah.Malah, semasa saya menziarahi Damsyik 3 tahun lepas, saya berkunjung ke kawasan di mana Ibnu Taimiyyah disemadikan.Beliau dikebumikan di kawasan perkuburan yg diwaqafkan utk pengikut2 tariqat Qadiri.Ibnu Taimiyyah sendiri menyebut Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani sebagai "Shaykhuna" atau 'Shaykh kami' dalam salah satu risalahnya yg terkandung dlm 'Majmu' Fatawa Ibn Taimiyyah'.
Malang sekali perlakuan sesetengah manusia melampau telah mencalarkan reputasi Ibnu Taimiyyah sehingga ada yg menyerang Ibnu Taimiyyah dan merendah-rendahkannya semata-mata kerana golongan yg lahir beratus-ratus tahun selepasnya.Anda boleh rujuk buku 'Mafahim' karya Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki utk melihat kecelaruan yg ditimbulkan oleh pengikut2 Salafi ini.

Adelaidiyy said...

saudara ni pro bid'ah ke ?

Ini cara Islam ke?

Adelaidiyy said...

menipu ?

penipuan puak2 Sufi atas Nabi saw bagaimana ?

penipuan Jifri atas Nabi saw kenapa didiamkan ?