Sunday, June 08, 2008

Malam itu, aku sedang on-call di Labour Ward. Jam menunjukkan pukul 1130 malam. Tiba-tiba, salah seorang MO aku memanggil aku;

" Shafiq, come here! There's a call from trauma. A lady 30 weeker (pregnant) delivered her baby in Kg Datuk Harun. Ambulance is ready. Since you are the most senior HO, go with the ambulance to her home."

Kg Datuk Harun tak jauh dari PPUM. Malangnya malam itu entah mengapa traffic jam berlaku dengan begitu dashyat. Ambulans tak bergerak-gerak di hadapan traffic light.

"Doktor Shafiq tak tahu ke? Pak Lah baru je naikkan harga minyak 78 sen seliter.Itu yang jam sepanjang malam!" kata pemandu ambulans di sisi aku.

Aduh! Baru aje plan nak pakai BMW. Sekarang patut tukar gaya hidup pakai Basikal BMX dulu. Dato Najib tentu setuju. Meskipun Datin Rosmah sudah belanja beribu-ribu. Gasak lah...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Adinda Shafiq,

Could I request that you paste all the Youtube videos of Sidi Afifi onto your blog? I could not get access to Youtube - a kind of virus is infecting my laptop and preventing viewing of Youtube-based materials. However I could view the materials if they are embedded in blog entries.

All the best in your career.

Anak Alam

(ps: buang my previous comment please).