I am not really 'into' Orthopedic since my medical years. I did housemanship in UMMC and in Orthopedic, housemanship is considered 'honeymoon' period for interns. Plus, I was in Oncology Orthopedic team under Mr (now AP) Vivek. Sadly, most of the cases that referred to our clinic are not Osteosarcoma, Ostoechondroma or pathological fracture. I was fortunate enough to work in Emergency Department in Seremban before being 'pushed' to district hospital. Thus, I had experiences in dealing orthopedic trauma cases.
It was a good news from our Pengarah that PD will be opening (re-opening) her Operation Theater again. We have OT but it is not functioning simply because there are no surgeons and anesthetists around. By July or August, we'll be opening our OT for minor procedures. Simple surgical and Orthopedic procedures will be done here, instead of referring them to Seremban. Previously, all cases will be referred to our clinic and then reviewed by the specialist. If the cases need any surgical intervention, we'll refer to Seremban. Now, PD folks including patients from Pasir Panjang, Lukut, Sunggala and as far as Bukit Pelandok will not be having any difficulty to get their op done. We can do it here (for simple procedures like K-wiring or plating).

Unfortunately, that means there will be an extra burden on us, the medical officers. With only 7 people in charge of the ward, one of us will have to go to assist the surgeon during operating days. Isaac will be sent for training under anesth in Seremban. The problem is, with the OT running, we don't have enough MOs doing the job in the ward. We got MOPD on Monday and Tuesday. SOPD on Monday and Wednesday.Orthopedic Clinic on Wednesday and Friday. ENT, Ophthalmology and PSY are also having their clinics.I just don't know how we are supposed to run the clinic and at the same time looking after the patients in ward and assisting surgeons in OT. Bear in mind, there's no houseman in PD!
My boss already told me that a complete/full Orthopedic team will be established in PD.Since I was running the orthopedic clinic here, I was invited to join the team as permanent Orthopedic MO. So far, I haven't make up my mind since I'm am no good at carpentering. Anybody interested joining Orthopedic team in PD?
interesting ape jage ortho clinic..
last time , i applied to stay in ortho dept, but was rejected by the State Health Dept...as usual, kene serve district 1st...hmm..
nak suruh aku gi PD ke?hehe..nak kuar dr Pahang ni pun payah...wife aku just join anaesth dept, which means , we'll stay in Pahang for another year...
Haha, tak payahlah ke sini nak buat Ortho.We'll re-open the OT in July but I really doubt it.
Kalau bukak pun, it'll be minor procedures, so exposure will not be as good as in state hospital like Seremban or Temerloh.
Kat sini, aku tak tahan sgt la dgn klinik dia.Wednesday and Friday.So, aku mmg tak leh nak ambil leave on Friday or Wednesday sebab takde orang nak ganti aku.
Plus,aku rasa dah muak tgk infected DFU dan bosan dgr patients mengeluh sakit kaki dan sakit belakang, seolah-olah tak faham yg diorang dah berumur 60 tahun.
I think we'll have the same fate as other district doctors.Stranded here.ENtah berapa ramai yg apply balik ke KL or Seremban tapi tak dpt.Some dah more than 2 years.Just pray that we wont be chronic MO.
skrg aku dh muak dok kat KK ni, eventhough life die quite ok ler..skill2 procedure ni dh bnyk hilang...tiap2 hr manage chronic diseases i.e HPT/DM, dgn issue compliance satu hal..ko jd hopeless rasa..dh penat nk counselling pt2 nih..
previously, we shared the same thought and vision...haha..at last, berkubur...haha...
skrg ni jgn mengharap sgt..if u got any single opportunity to upgrade urself to be a better one, just grab it...
sometimes, feel like better just go with the flow...
jd chronic MO pun menarik juge..many of my senior kat temerloh ni, just being appointed as director in few district hopsital..haha...ko mesti taknaknya...aku pun taknak...
"sometimes, feel like better just go with the flow..."
Hahaha...Mozo, adakah kita ini dah membuat kesilapan besar dalam hidup dgn memilih balik berkhidmat kepada rakyat dan negara?
Entahlah, I look at some of our friends in our batch including our juniors, some of them in UK and Ireland already passed part 1 MRCP.Kita pulak terumbang-ambing tak tahu haluan.
Tapi mungkin betul juga.We'll go with the flow.Actually in KKM, when the time comes, you can always continue study/join Masters.Samada jadi chronic MO atau tidak, it's our choice.Ramai jadi chronic MO sebab dah malas belajar dan nak join admin, bukan sebab tak dapat join Masters.
But, please..I'm not going for admin job.
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